Extreme Weather Events Increasing Due To Climate Change

Global Climate Change (51)

“European Commission. Climate Change Factsheet 2015: Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent or more severe. Their impacts include reduced water availability and crop yields, endangering food production.”


Note from author: With a reference to my previously published posts about climate change and to everything we witness in our direct environment, through traveling, through contacts and friends all over the world, or through media in general, EXTREME weather events have become more frequent. In Finland, where I today live, we are still lucky not to have too extreme weather events, however, the climate here is changing too, making weather forecasts more unpredictable, increasing rainfall (and, snowfall – in 2017, we had snowfall several times in the month of May here in Southern Finland which is not usual), while when we earlier had Winter starting in November or December, we now rarely have snow until the month of January in southern Finland. Even in the north (in Lapland) snow in the early winter months has at times become so rare that artificial snow has to be used in order to make e.g. skiing possible. Even here in Finland, and in parts of the world where one might think that climate change is not a threat, changing weather patterns and too much rain risk crops and whole yields. We cannot afford to endanger agriculture and food production anywhere in the world, since these are at the core of our ability to thrive and to survive as human beings.

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