How To Attract What You Want and Lead a Meaningful Life


(Health Of Spirit Mind And Body Means Mindfulness. Artist: Stuart Miles. Published on 15052014)
(Health Of Spirit Mind And Body Means Mindfulness. Artist: Stuart Miles. Published on 15052014)

 “Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.”

 (Albert Einstein)

We live in a world filled with problems needing solutions. The problem with solving all those problems is that while we are busy solving them, usually we create new problems at the same time. Then we blame whatever we can, and easily make other people or circumstances scapegoats, thus using simple defense mechanisms, instead of looking in the mirror, taking a deep breath, and seeing where the actual problem is. Yes, so it is. Think about a world where every single individual would be willing to take the responsibility of finding fault in themselves rather than pointing a finger on other people, or circumstances. This is an important key in regards with many aspects of our lives – being strong enough to see ourselves as the troublemakers. Or, not necessarily troublemakers, but as the keys to actual improvements both in our personal lives and in our surrounding. 

I am definitely not the first human being reflecting about these things, hence the saying “Be the change that you want to see in the world”. Stop blaming other people, or circumstances, for your life´s challenges, or any challenges. Understand that you can only change yourself, and not others. Be ready to step forward, look in the mirror (many times a day, if needed), and face yourself. And do not only face yourself physically, but also mentally. There are a number of ways of connecting to your spirituality, of which meditation is an example. We are all spiritual beings. 

The American psychotherapist, author, and speaker Dr. Wayne W. Dyer puts it: “We are not human beings with a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings with a human experience”. Remembering this makes it easier to connect to the actual spirituality that makes us evolve, and will eventually lead humanity towards a greater understanding, lives filled by virtues and true abundance, rather than the thought of just chasing money so that we can buy things that none of us actually do need in our lives. We came here naked, and will leave naked. How we fill our lives in between is up to each and one of us. Our job as individuals is not to find fault in others, or criticize them, but rather to set an example to other people. If you are in any kind of leading role, a parent, a teacher, you know how important this is. But there is not even need to be in an officially leading role, because anyone can become a role model to someone else, and set an example. 

There are hundreds of books about the Law of Attraction, and to be honest I cannot remember having read any of them, so no book promotions to be found in this post. I have rather learned through experience, by observing other individuals, and yes, of course through reading hundreds of articles, other books, watching videos, and simply by living.

When finding yourself in a non-optimal situation, realize that: 

– You personally are the problem, and the key to the solution, at the same time. Only by changing you will you be capable of changing whatever it is that you want to change. Admitting this is extremely important in order to get ahead. 

– You attract what you are, not what you want. This means, you need to start acting in a way that leads you towards the desired goal(s). It applies to EVERYTHING, and is very simple (well, at least theoretically). Therefore, check your behavior every day. 

– You better learn how to spend time alone. Many people have, unfortunately, a real difficulty being alone. Spending time alone does not mean that you are a lonely person. Spending time alone is crucial to stay connected to yourself. The possibility to spending time alone varies from person to person: a parent has less time for him/herself than a single person, but even parents can organize time for themselves. Some people are really insecure, and always need to be surrounded by friends, or people, in general. Spending time alone is not scary. It gives us the ability to get to know ourselves better, to lead a fulfilling “inner life” instead of just going with the flow.

– Too much time spent alone can, however, lead to isolation. We need other people in our lives. Even a yogi, or a spiritual guru, needs other people. We are all connected to another. Loneliness is something that many people suffer from these days, including many entrepreneurs, and (business) leaders. Everyone has the need for some kind of support, or interaction with other human beings. Whatever your situation is, socialize, because other individuals are important to our (personal) development. 

– Learn how to communicate your desires. This does not mean that you have to walk around shouting your wants and needs to everyone you need (although, some people behave this way). If you have had a tough time attracting what you truly want, it is about time to start practicing your communication skills. You can start by writing it down in a personal journal. When you do this on a regular basis, you will notice how much more effortless it becomes to actually communicate these in verbal interaction with other individuals. After all, people cannot read you mind, and if you meet someone who can read your mind, consider yourself lucky.

– Always be willing to help, and serve other people, (even) without expecting anything in return. 

– Learn how to say no as well. However helpful and servant you are, you do not have to accept everything. There is no point in being a people-pleaser.

– All our choices have an impact upon our lives. 

– Learn how to balance yourself both physically and mentally.

 “Your intuition will tell you where you need to go, connect you with the people you should meet, and guide you towards work that is meaningful to you, work that brings you joy and work that feels right for you”.

(Shakti Gawain)

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