Climate Change Is Threatening Food Security

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“FAO Strategy on Climate Change. Rome, July 2017. Food security. Climate change stands to undermine the four dimensions of food security.”


How does the FAO define food security, and what are the four dimensions of food security according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations?

Read the complete report here: FAO Strategy on Climate Change, Rome, July 2017

Quite simply, FOOD SECURITY can be defined through following criteria:

  • FOOD AVAILABILITY, e.g. crop yields, amount of (safe) seafood etc.
  • FOOD ACCESS, for example purchasing power of consumers
  • FOOD UTILIZATION, primarily food safety, food-borne diseases and nutritional value of a specific food product
  • FOOD STABILITY, suggesting that e.g. natural disasters may cause hazards to e.g. crop yields

Watch following panel discussion, where representatives from both National Geographic and the FAO discuss Food Security in an Insecure World – Future of Food:


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