Leader – Change The World

 “No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.”

(Andrew Carnegie)

My humblest thank you goes to the individual who inspired me to write this post – the one who wrote me: “It is foolish to think that one person can change the world”. In a way this person was absolutely right, because one individual out of more than 7,2 billion upon Earth can hardly change the world alone. This is the reality we are all faced with, and the realization of which is part of growing up.

However, in adulthood, many people forget how stay connected with their inner child, the one that inspires them to have faith, and believe in the impossible. Diverging ourselves from our true nature occurs due to a number of reasons, many times because of experiences on our life paths, and because many individuals face a lack of inspiration in and during their lives.

Yet, inspirational leaders often emerge out of the blue, often through challenging circumstances or when scarce resources bring forth the true qualities of an individual. How often has suffering ultimately turned into a wonderful life story? Our world is full of extraordinary transformational leaders, people who have experienced some major life changing events, allowing a deep, personal transformation develop into becoming an inspirational leader. I would like you to watch the following video, where actor and comedian Jim Carrey speaks about Spiritual Awakening, and the fact that we are all one:


Jim Carrey as a well-known actor and comedian is a great example of an inspirational leader who managed to rise above challenging circumstances, transforming these into a positive and successful career, and manifested his dreams by turning them into reality.

One leader alone not being enough to change the world is a fact, but every (aspiring) leader is aware of the power of intention together with action. World-transforming leaders are those who are brave enough to believe that they actually can change the world, not alone, but through setting an example, and inspiring others individuals into becoming world-transforming leaders as well. 

World-transforming leadership starts by changing our personal thoughts, because our thoughts create our reality, and our thoughts lead to our actions, which lead to our everyday reality. Our thoughts and actions also have the power to influence other individuals, which is why it is so important to realize why thinking positive thoughts, and taking positive actions leads to increased positivity in our surroundings. We are all energy, and the energy we personally send out into the Universe radiates back into our lives.

World-transforming leaders are willing to internalize following facts:

  • You cannot change the world alone, but you can change yourself.
  • Your thoughts and actions become your reality, and the energy you radiate/send out is definitely coming back to you.
  • You can always set an example to other individuals, despite of your formal status.
  • Transformative leadership requires authenticity, self-discipline, and assertiveness.
  • Surround yourself with individuals with whom you resonate, people who support you and people who you support.
  • Express gratitude, and be thankful for all lessons in your life. Both the positive, and the less positive.
  • Learn to BALANCE your life. Easier said than done, but do your best! Many (aspiring) leaders work too hard, and too much, resulting in various health problems.
  • Remember, you are a HUMAN BEING (a spiritual being in a human body), not a HUMAN DOING (a spiritual doing in a human body). As energetic as you may be, no smart leader does everything alone. Smart leaders take care of themselves both physically and mentally, because a smart leader realizes that GOOD PHYSICAL & MENTAL HEALTH lead to better results in the long run. It is not egoistic to take care of yourself. It is essential, because people around you do sense your energy. If you are about to lead and transform the world by involving other individuals, you need to be in balance with yourself first.
  • Learn to TRANSFORM challenging situations into POSITIVE outcomes. Let the energy flow freely. Your positive energy radiates onto, and into, other individuals as well.

Finally, I am happy to share with you some quotes about CHANGING THE WORLD:

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world”. 

(Harriet Tubman)

“January Sky”. Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys. 2015).

“Don’t underestimate the power of your vision to change the world. Whether that world is your office, your community, an industry or a global movement, you need to have a core belief that what you contribute can fundamentally change the paradigm or way of thinking about problems”.

(Leroy Hood)

“If Changing the World Signifies Being Foolish, Then I am More Than Happy to be a Fool”



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