Thinking Is Not Enough – We Must Take Action

Together, we can, and will, make a difference. Each one of us does have a unique voice, and the capability of making a difference in our own way. The target was to grow Global Climate Change Think & Act Tank on LinkedIn to at least 1.000 members by the end of 2016. For that, I need your help. Your help through spreading the word, inviting new members, and being active in this group – dedicated to professionals (and, private persons) from all fields and industries who feel in their hearts and minds that environmental issues and climate change are top priorities to focus upon RIGHT NOW, because we are running out of time when it comes to transforming business and governmental practices upon Planet Earth to become increasingly much climate friendly.

Make a difference NOW! Start by joining Global Climate Change Think & Act Tank on LinkedIn, inviting others to join as well, and spreading the word about climate change and necessary actions on Twitter.

LinkedIn: Global Climate Change Think & Act Tank

Twitter: @GCCThinkActTank

Thank you.


Looking forward to reading your comments!

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