Organic apples by Anne-Maria Yritys

How Much do You Appreciate Your Work?

We appreciate what we have worked for. Do you agree?

How this all happened (the production process of the apple photo series):

– I biked 35 km to find this wild apple tree
– I took photos of the apple tree
– I picked the apples
– I biked back home (included in the 35 km)
– I prepared the apples from cutting them to smashing them
– I took some more photos
– I used an app to edit the photos on my smartphone
– I shared the edited photos on Instagram
– I shared the edited photos from Instagram to Facebook

Who helped me?

1. Our beloved nature produced the apples
2. The bike I own (produced by Helkama) allowed for me to bike to the apple tree
3. The camera I used allowed for me to take the photos
4. The mobile app allowed for me to edit the photos
5. Instagram allowed for me to upload the edited photos + share them to Facebook
6. Facebook allowed Instagram to post on my behalf from my Instagram account to my personal Facebook profile.
7. My personal FB profile allowed me to share this post further.

Never underestimate creativity, hard work or doing things on your own. But please never forget that everything you achieve and do always involves our environment and other people around us.

I could not have created this single post without a) the environment/nature b) the apple tree c) various social media apps/platforms that allow for me to share this with you.

Always appreciate what you are given. Do not take people or things for granted.

#selfmade #applesauce #smashedapples🍎 #organicfood #vegan #vegetarian #noaddedsugar

Climate Change Impacts Are Many And Complex (in the Arctic)

Arctic (44).jpg

With a rather quickly changing climate in the Arctic region, whereby the region´s climate has warmed more rapidly than anywhere else on Earth in the past three decades, can anyone keep pace with what is taking place? According to many scientists, researchers and universities, we have now less than a decade to bring down global temperatures to a safe level. If not, we could be heading towards a climate disaster, affecting all life on our planet.

Many climate change skeptics refuse to believe what is happening. Cynics state that it is too late to do anything, that we are already headed towards an unstoppable disaster. Various, quite recent, forecasts are already becoming factual, with extreme weather events becoming stronger and more frequent, sea levels rising, extreme droughts in some areas around our world while others have increasingly much rainfall and floods. Climate change is real, and most of the past century´s climate change is anthropogenic. This has been realized by majority of world population, most of whom take action in completely new, creative ways to prevent further human damage to our climate and environment.

Completely new innovations are making way for a sustainable future, in all sectors. With the energy sector being the most important in terms of combating anthropogenic climate change, the energy sector is now being transformed into renewable sources of energy. Renewable sources of energy are defined as fossil-free energy sources, excluding the usage of coal, gas and oil.

It is highly questionable whether for instance hydropower and nuclear power can be defined as environmentally friendly, or sustainable. For now, most of the world seems yet to depend upon both of these energy sources. What the energy market will be in twenty years from now is completely up to ourselves, our efforts as societies, governments and legislative actions around the world. Many countries are heading towards 100 % renewable energy from non-nuclear sources, such as wind and solar energy.

Agricultural and farming practices are the second largest emitter of climate changing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. The food and agriculture sector has no other option than to transform, either through force of nature or by starting to implement sustainable changes into the industry before it is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Many people have since long made an individual choice of becoming vegan, which means voluntarily giving up the consumption of any animal products (dairy products, eggs, meat). Others decrease their consumption of meat without going completely vegetarian.

According to The Vegan Society, veganism is protected as a human right. In Britain alone, as estimated by The Vegan Society, the amount of vegans in 2016 rose up to more than half a million of total British population. Rise of The Vegan, on the other hand, reports that veganism has grown with 500 % in the United States since 2014, with six per cent of United States citizens now being vegan. BBC Future has reported that if the whole world population would eliminate red meat from their diets, food industry-related greenhouse gas emissions would decline with 60 %. If our whole world population went vegan, the amount of emissions would drop by 70 %. These are huge numbers, especially when many people around the world are unaware of how much the agriculture and food sectors contribute to releases in greenhouse gas emissions. While for now no one can be forced to become either vegetarian or vegan, we can all decide to decrease the amount of meat we consume by incorporating vegetarian/vegan days into our personal lives on a regular basis.

Learn more by watching “The Hidden Impacts of Climate Change”, published by VICE News on December 2nd, 2015:


Connect with me on Twitter @annemariayritys. For climate/environment-related posts only @GCCThinkActTank. Subscribe to Leading With Passion to receive my latest posts.


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