Yritys Executive Services

Connect With Anne-Maria Yritys on Social Media

Connect with Anne-Maria Yritys on social media:

Twitter: Anne-Maria Yritys on Twitter

LinkedIn: Anne-Maria Yritys on LinkedIn

Facebook: Anne-Maria Yritys on Facebook

Yritys Executive Services

Yritys Executive Services

@annemariayritys on Twitter 1

Why Should You Be on Twitter?

Learn more @annemariayritys and @GCCThinkActTank

@annemariayritys on Twitter
@annemariayritys on Twitter
Web traffic 2018 annemariayritys.com

Why Twitter is a Great Source for Organic Web Traffic

As an experienced Twitter user and someone who has been using Twitter actively for several years already, I know not only from personal experience but from discussions with other Twitter users that Twitter is the main source of organic web traffic for many. Depending upon your target markets, Twitter is certainly a social media channel for digital entrepreneurs and marketers, and anyone who wants to build an online business.

Why is that?

As the map below indicates, the web traffic to annemariayritys.com expands almost the whole world, with the largest audience and most website visitors from the United States of America. Most of this organic web traffic stems from Twitter.

Web traffic 2018 annemariayritys.com
Web traffic 2018 annemariayritys.com


Twitter analytics Anne-Maria Yritys

How Do You Analyze Social Media?

I decided to publicize my FB contact list to my FB contacts. Earlier I decided to keep my contact list anonymous, visible to me only, due to competitive reasons but after all, we live in a free market economy. I also decided to publicize my LinkedIn contact list to my LinkedIn contacts.
Now everyone who is willing to do so can scroll through my FB contact list and decide for themselves whether I have bought my FB contacts or not. Everyone is also welcome to scroll through all my Twitter contacts/followers @annemariayritys + my 3 other Twitter accounts and check out how many of my contacts/followers are real and how many are robots or fakes. Just to ensure that I never again have to debate with anyone about whether I have bought social media contacts/followers or not.
I do hope, however, that anyone who wishes to blame or accuse me for buying social media followers, could take the time to make a more profound analysis of who has bought, where, when, and at what price.
At the same time, the person investigating the purchase of social media followers could also check which users in Finland and worldwide have bought Instagram-followers, YouTube-subscribers, Facebook-followers etc. + paid for advertising in various social media channels.
Furthermore, anyone who likes to investigate people and brand behavior on social media, can check who have bought likes and retweets etc. in different social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Just to get a broader perspective on things and to learn how digital and social media works.
It is wrong to attack single social media users, blaming these for buying contacts or followers, especially if the analysis about the topic is poor and lacks any kind of in-depth thought or analysis.
Anne-Maria Yritys 11.10.2018
Ps. You are free to follow me on Twitter @annemariayritys + on my numerous other social media accounts.
Päätin julkistaa FB-kaverilistani FB-kavereilleni. Aikaisemmin piilottelin listaa kilpailullisista syistä, mutta markkinataloudessahan täällä elämme. Julkistin myös LinkedIn-kontaktini LinkedIn-kontakteilleni.
Nyt jokainen halukas voi skrollata FB-kaverilistani ja pohtia omassa mielessään, olenko ostanut FB-kaverini vai en. Jokainen on myös tervetullut skrollaamaan Twitter-tilini @annemariayritys + 3 muuta tiliäni Twitterissä, ja tarkistamaan, kuinka moni seuraajista on aito ja kuinka moni on robotti tai feikki. Ihan vain siksi, ettei tarvitse enää väitellä kenenkään kanssa siitä, olenko ostanut some-seuraajia vai en.
Toivoisin kuitenkin, että seuraava ihminen joka alkaa minua ahdistelemaan tai syyttelemään some-seuraajien ostamisesta, voisi tehdä hieman kattavamman analyysin siitä, kuka on ostanut, mistä, milloin ja millä hinnalla.
Voisi samalla tarkistaa, ketkä kaikki käyttäjät Suomessa ja maailmanlaajuisesti ovat ostaneet Instagram-seuraajia, YouTube-tilaajia, Facebook-seuraajia, maksaneet mainoksista eri some-kanavissa jne.
Lisäksi voi tarkistaa, ketkä ovat ostaneet tykkäyksiä eri some- ja digikanavissa, uudelleentwiittauksia jne. Näin saisi asioihin laajempaa perspektiiviä ja oppisi ymmärtämään kuinka digitaalinen ja sosiaalinen media oikeasti toimii.
On väärin, että yksittäisten some-käyttäjien kimppuun hyökätään syyllistäen näitä kavereiden tai seuraajien ostamisesta, varsinkaan kun asiasta ei ole minkäänlaista kunnon analyysiä eikä asioita mietitä laajemmin/syvemmällä tasolla.
Muualla maailmassa on ihan arkipäivää ja normaalia, että yrittäjillä tai yksityishenkilöillä on esim. 100.000, puoli miljoonaa tai miljoona seuraajaa somessa. Suomessa on niin pienet kotimaan markkinat, että heti kun joku vähänkin poikkeaa joukosta, joku kateellinen hyökkää kimppuun.
Olisiko mahdollista ajatella ja ymmärtää, että maailmassa on reilusti yli 7 miljardia ihmistä väestöä ja että ihmiset jotka ajattelevat globaalisti, voivat verkostoitua ja brändätä bisneksiään somessa myös kansainvälisesti ja globaalisti? Kaikki eivät ole tai halua olla juntteja, kuten moni suomalainen edelleen haluaa olla.
Kai täällä on jokaisella oikeus olla mitä haluaa, lain määrittelemissä rajoissa? Ei kai kansainvälinen bisnes ole Suomessa mikään rikos? Olen niin kyllästynyt juntteihin, jotka eivät näe omaa napaansa pidemmälle.
Anne-Maria Yritys 11.10.2018

Be careful who you send your resume to!


Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. All rights reserved.

I recently received an e-mail from a New York-based executive search firm with a note that they received my details by an outside talent source firm, stating that they are looking to fill C-level positions for one of their client´s recent acquisitions, and if I possibly would be interested in learning more. 

Since the e-mail was sent to one of my many e-mail addresses, and not my primary e-mail, it took me a week before I even noticed it. Instead of sending them my resume and based upon my earlier experiences, I sent a response by e-mail asking them if they could give me details about the talent sourcing firm that had referred me, who their client is, and where these roles would geographically be located. Within only a few hours they got back to me, per e-mail, stating that they cannot give any details about their client until a non disclosure agreement has been signed.
As a response, I sent them the links to my website, my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles with a brief note that they can find my resume there. I have grown aware of recruiting firms and headhunters collecting people´s CV´s and resumes, many of whom lack the effort of doing their job well, i.e. fail in ever getting back to their customer/s. Be really careful/selective about who you send your CV/resume/other personal data to, since many recruitment firms seem only to be interested in gathering people´s personal data rather than actually having a purpose of really filling out a position. Which is why I am, these days, extremely selective about sending out my CV/resume to anyone, if at all!
I know loads of professionals in the headhunting/recruitment industry and have inside information. With the professional networks that I have online, I could even start my own headhunting/recruiting firm but quite honestly, I have seen too much in order to be willing to do so.
In Finland, most jobs get filled either through sourcing internal candidates or by other means, rather than through online/offline announcements. Most of the work announcements online and offline have mainly a purpose of serving the recruitment firm as an advertisement. In Finland, the vast majority of all roles are filled in other ways than sourcing candidates through job announcements. In Finland there is also a legislation that says that recruitment firms cannot keep applicants data for no more than six months in their data bank, but who checks this?
Moreover, referring to the New York-based executive search firm that approached me, I have gathered many experiences in dealing with professionals from around the world, including New York. Many of those that I have dealt with from New York seem to use an elbow tactic, so if you ever deal with them in business, make sure that THEY first deliver their part of the possible deal, before doing anything for them.
Further on, in 2015, I was contacted by a NY based recruitment industry startup on LinkedIn. They basically had an expectation of me to a) make PR for them for free b) find a way of transferring my LinkedIn data (the professional details of 30.000 individuals) to their database, sending me a non disclosure contract trying to offer me WARRANTS as a payment. I was smart enough to consult an international lawyer at that stage. Shortly after having installed their software on my computer, it broke down. I still have no idea why, but I suspect it happened due to their software. I never found out, just brought my broken laptop to recycling and bought a new one. I also blocked these people from my personal online networks. Whether they installed a virus/malware through their software on my computer is still unclear to me.
Be really careful about what you do online, and who you trust. It is not paranoia to use common sense in business. I have personally learned some very valuable lessons through my online business activities.
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. All rights reserved.